Mukesh Aalam new punjabi song Qahar Japas Music released in these day song Qahar which sung by mukesh aalam beautifully. Japas Music brought so many talent in punjabi music industry. One of mukesh aalam which his song qahar successfully running on Channels / Digital platform. Song Qahar’s music by well known music director Jatinder jeetu. Lyrics of Song written by bhatti mogawala. Song Qahar filmed by Gaggi Singh…..
Youtube Video Link:
Mukesh Aalam new punjabi song Qahar – Download on I Tune Store
Song : Qahar
Singer : Mukesh Aalam
Music : Jatinder Jeetu
Lyrics : Bhatti Moga
Video : Gaggi Singh
Label : Japas Music
Year : 2016
Qhar song Caller Tune Codes :
Airtel Subscribers Dial : 5432115420303
Vodafone Subscribers Dial 5377649262
Idea Subscribers Dial 5677649262
Tata DoCoMo Subscribers dial 5432117649262
Tata Indicom subscribers SET 7649262 To 543211
Aircel Subscribers sms DT 5979726 To 53000
BSNL (North / West) sms BT 5979726 To 56700
BSNL (South / East) sms BT 7649262 To 56700
Virgin Subscribers sms TT _______ To 58475
Videocon subscribers Dial 54321100465580
MTS Subscribers sms CT 5971070 to 55777
Uninor Subscribers sms ACT CT 5966999 to 51234